My Travel? Good, despite a rough start of sitting through prolonged de-icing and a missed connection (and lunch with an old friend) to Los Angeles. Re-routed through San Francisco, I eventually arrived 16 hours after I started.
The start was great at breakfast on Thursday morning with the WikiTree Gang and bonus guests in Randy Seavers ( and his delightful wife. There, that’s it – the conference surely can’t top having breakfast with genea-guru and WikiTreer Randy Seavers, right?!
Au contraire! I visited the Genealogy Bloggers Mosh Pit with all of it’s various, colorful bloggers, hermetically connected to the net by Wire. “WE ARE BLOG you WILL be educated”. Oh they are individuals, but you can’t help but imagine they might be sharing thought through that umbilical. Took in a presentation at Find My Past ( and chatted with the folks at HP who were touting the ability to scan images from your home HP printer straight to a Family History Center.
The Venders/Exhibiters were numerous – more numerous than last year. You could print a gigantic Fan Chart (the largest Family Tree Wall Chart was entered into the Guinness Book of World Records before our eyes!), scan your books and precious files, listen to vender centric lectures, buy tree jewelry, tree sculptures, and even find a place to stay for next year.
The Classes were full. Too full for some who were turned away after arriving late. I missed a class as I was flying around the United States. I did get in to see Kitty Munson Copper’s ( and yes she is a WikiTreer) class on DNA triangulation which was packed with eager genealogists hoping to learn how to prove their paper trails. Aside from some technical difficulties, the class was well presented, with WikiTree’s Kitty Cooper Smith offering a helping hand.
I met too many people to count and gave too many hugs to remember. I joined the Surname Society ( and Ancestor Cloud ( I ate Mexican. I watched presentations. I got my picture taken in Orange.

I was attacked by an over-sized stuffed bear.

I Created a McElmoyle DNA Project on FamilyTree DNA (thanks Jim – I met new friends/cousins. I ran into old friends/cousins that I met last year, who came by the WikiTree booth to see me (always fun) again. AND? I went to my hotel room exhausted after dinner every night.
It was only right that I would finish my time at Roots Tech the way I had begun it – Breakfast with Randy Seavers and his wife.
My Take away? It was fun, informative and exhausting. I have a year to rest – can’t wait til next year!
Photo’s courtesy of Michelle Hartley and Julie Ricketts.