Roots Tech 2016 or Bust

My Travel
I am a day away from my day long, continent spanning trip to reach the Salt Palace in Salt Lake City, Utah. I leave at quarter to 10am EST and arrive at quarter to 10pm MST. So technically it will look like 12 hours, but in reality, it will be more.

On the way I get to meet a childhood friend in LA for lunch, and on the way home I get to play in Vegas with a WikiTree colleague. No, I didn’t plan it that way but when I realized I would be in LA for a good chunk of time and in Vegas for an even bigger chunk of time? Well things just fell into place. Then, because I am flying West Jet home from Vegas, I will be able to watch, for free, from the back of the seat in front of me, the Super Bowl. Go Bron..Pan..oh how do you choose? Peyton Manning’s probable final game/Super Bowl appearance, or, roll Panthers after one incredible season?

The Conference
I will be at the WikiTree booth, sporting my burnt orange with pride, giving out as many hugs as I can, while taking selfies with anyone who will take one with me AND posing for pictures with some of my favorite WikiTreers in WikiTree’s photo booth!

I will try to sneak in some classes in betwixt and between talking to every single person attending Roots Tech, about how incredible WikiTree has been for my Genealogical journey.

I will also tell anyone who will listen about how excited I am to have teamed-up with Marc Snelling to start Grandmas Genes and how much fun I am already having working on blogging, Tweeting, Facebooking as Grandmas Genes…I am becoming a social media Maven.

See you at Roots Tech!

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