My Templeton Genetic Genealogy Research Published

The South Carolina Genealogical Society published my genetic genealogy research into the Templeton families of Carolina. Since it’s published in The Carolina Herald and Newsletter, those who are not members of the society will need to join to receive a copy. Membership is reasonable at $20.00 USD. and can be obtained through the website. If you have roots in SC, I suggest you join at the chapter level so you also receive the chapter’s notes and news. The website is:

Please join the research by joining the Templeton DNA Group Project and the North of Ireland DNA Group Project at Family Tree DNA. You can read more about testing and this research in my previous post on Jumping the Pond – Three Templeton Brothers from Carolina. Testing your DNA can help further the Templeton genetic genealogy research.

There is much more information to release since this paper was submitted and that will be coming soon.

More Templetons in SC? Oh, yeah!

I have noticed a William Templeton in the bounty land information for the ship that brought my Robert Templeton, Sr. and his family over from the port of Larne. A summer or two ago, while speaking at the SCGS Summer Workshop in Columbia, SC, a Member of the SC 250 Committee asked if I knew anything about a Henry Templeton from Boonesborough. No, I had never heard of Henry OR the town of Boonesborough. I have now and have added these two gentlemen to my research. If you are connected to either of these men, please get in touch!

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