Grandma Needs More Bookshelves

For years, whenever I visited my parents for a few days or weeks, my mom would let me “borrow” her Pink Kindle. That Kindle let me escape into literature while I visited – not an unusual thing in our house – growing up we all read voraciously. My parent’s house was full of bookshelves piled, fashionably, with books. At some point, my father stopped building bookshelves for my mom and this forced them to go completely electronic. This is why I always had access to the spare, pink Kindle.

When, after the hurricane, I rescued my Dad’s lost Kindle from the debris, my mom handed me the pink Kindle saying, “Here is your inheritance.” I am ecstatic that I have access to over 600 books! What a score.

Book cover of Nathan Dylan Goodwins, The Hollywood Strangler

For a long while, though, I have been looking at my own home and it’s full to overflowing bookshelves. I need some more places to put my books. This is further driven home for me when I finally received my much-anticipated copy of “The Hollywood Strangler” by Nathan Dylan Goodwin. There is no place for this book to go. None. I don’t mind it living on the ottoman, but, it needs a place, on the shelf, with the rest of my books from my favorite genealogy fiction writer (note I am delicately sidestepping having to mention all my favorite genealogy non-fiction writers).

I am off to see if a set of shelves my son left out in the garage is complete… heeee.

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