The WikiTree DNA Project has a brand new spiffy badge just for you.
Triangulator Badge

This badge is awarded to WikiTreers who have mastered the complex concept of DNA triangulation and applied it on WikiTree to mark profiles as “Confirmed with DNA“.
To be eligible, the member needs to have added the appropriate citations for each parent-child relationship for three or more distant cousins who share a segment measuring 7cM or more back to their shared ancestral couple as explained in the triangulation instructions on Help:DNA Confirmation.
In addition, so that the badge committee can confirm the triangulation:
- all three tests need to be on GEDmatch, and
- all three relationships trails to the common ancestor or common ancestral couple need to be on WikiTree and the profiles need to have public family trees.
Requesting the badge
Are you a triangulator? If so you’re a valuable contributor to our single family tree project and we thank you for it!
To get the Triangulator badge, please answer this G2G post.
Be sure to include:
- Your WikiTree ID.
- The IDs of profiles in the triangulated group that have been marked as Confirmed with DNA.
Standards used
WikiTree’s standard for triangulation (see Help:DNA_Confirmation) is based on ISOGG auDNA triangulation and the writings of Tim Janzen, Jim Bartlett, and Blaine Bettinger.