Genetic Genealogy

Kitchener Public Library Genealogy Fair

Off to Kitchener

I am off to Kitchener in the morning and I have been looking forward to this trip for so many reasons that I thought you might like me to outline […]

GEDmatch now connects to your WikiTree family tree!

New GEDmatch X-chromosome comparison links at WikiTree

From WikiTreer-in-Chief, Chris Whitten comes this great announcement about new GEDmatch X-chromosome comparison links at WikiTree. “Hi WikiTreers, We just took another small step forward in our collaboration with As

Gaulden Siblings

70k Doc – First Connection

The last Blog Post was all about the 70k Document. It’s a Descendants of John Gaulding compilation document from a DNA connected (who is not connected to my Gauldings yet) cousin

Grandma's Collage

DNA and The Global Family Tree – Poll 1

In June your Grandma will be presenting a 3 hour Workshop at the Ontario Genealogical Associations Conference 2018. The subject of the Workshop is DNA and the Global Family Tree.

DNA Confirmations and Citations

Did you know DNA Confirmations and Citations are like peas in a pod? Or Peanut Butter and Jelly or Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers or Bread and Butter. You can not have Confirmed with DNA

Do You Triangulate Well?

  The WikiTree DNA Project has a brand new spiffy badge just for you. Triangulator Badge   This badge is awarded to WikiTreers who have mastered the complex concept of

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