BIFHSGO – DNA SIG – Two Sessions, Genetic Proof Standards and mtDNA Testing, October 3, 2020, 9:30pm-12:00pm

Mags will discuss Genetic Proof Standards. What are they or is there one? Why do we have one and who created them? Can I use a 2cM shared match to prove a relationship? Mags will address all of your questions during this session.

In the Second Session Mags will talk about how she is a unicorn in mtDNA testing. She made a roundabout strange connection to her mtDNA via mtDNA testing. This roundabout way solved a heartbreaking family mystery. It’s an interesting story and one you haven’t heard before. The ins and outs of mtDNA testing, how to’s and the where and the why’s. It’s all about the DNA.

Genealogy Gadget Geek

This weekends BIFHSGO conference has all the traditional Genealogy lectures and Tours and Workshops and a great Marketplace Hall.

Social Media Team

I am also volunteering here at the conference since BIFHSGO is also my “home” Genealogical Society (OGS Ottawa too). Surely you have noticed my tweets about the conference as a member of the Social Media Team. As such I spend a good bit of time slinking along the back rows of lectures taking quiet pictures and tweeting briefly, politely during those lectures so you all can live vicariously through me and my Social Media Shares.

DISCLAIMER – Please do not take pictures or do social media while attending lectures unless you are  a part of a recognized Social Media Team for the event.

Gadget Proximity

Since the Social Media Hub at this event is set-up in the BIFHSGO Conference MarketPlace we have the opportunity to hob nob with some of the venders while sessions are running. No it’s not downtime, because you don’t have to be registered or even pay to get into the Market Hall, so there are always people buzzing about, it’s just a break from the crush of people from the sessions.

This year the Social Media Hub is just around the corner from this conference’s main Gadget Geek Vender, Shop The Hound!

I want to buy everything they have!

A Few Eye Catching Gadgets

One thing that has caught my eye is the ZCan Scanner Mouse. If you have ever had a scratch off card? Lottery or coupon – as you scratch an image appears kind of thing? Well this is similar  you run your mouse over an image or document and with each swipe of the mouse the image or document appears. It’s crazy cool and it’s easy to carry.

Shop the Hound has other Gadgets too. Need to add some bling to your headphone jack? They have has shiny, sparkly bangle for this. Want to carry a full blown, but portable, Scanner? You can walk away with the Flip Pal. Have a lot us SD storage cards from Camera’s or netbook storage floating around in every bag and drawer you have? Well, they have a little leather case designed just for this and more! Tech Gear and Gadgets specifically designed for Genealogy, can’t beat it.

Now I have to run do another WikiTree Source-A-Thon. Exhausted but still working!

23rd Annual BIFHSGO Family History Conference

23rd Annual BIFHSGO
Family History Conference

September 29 – October 1, 2017

You can catch me live and in person strolling the Ben Franklin Place, 101 Centrepointe Drive, Ottawa in West Ottawa ALL WEEKEND.

I look forward to see you there or while I am joining the Live WikiTree Source-A-Thon Hangouts (every 3 hours round the clock for 72 hours)
during Grandma’s Genes WikiTree LiveCast on Saturday at 3:00PM in the atrium of the Ben Franklin Place
while answering questions and helping out in the Research Room, Sunday from 12:45 to 1:15PM.
When! I am tired just thinking about this! 
Must…get…blueberry pie…

WikiTree LiveCast – US Southern Colonies Y’all!

On Saturday September 30th at 3:00PM EDT US Southern Colonies Y’all!  LIVE from the BIFHSGO Conference. Join Mags as she chats with US Southern Colonies Project members about the US Southern Colonies and possibly a couple of drop-ins from the conference, AND don’t forget that the Source-A-Thon will be on the go as well! So much to talk about in an hours time! As always, bring your questions to the live chat and Emma will post them for our LiveCasters to answer.  

Pull up a chair to watch or ask questions in the LiveCast chat, OR even join us as a LiveCast attendee (LiveCaster). Either way we promise an hour of WikiTree fun! If you want to see a complete list of past and future LiveCasts click the graphic below or follow this link.