Oh Those Busy Little WikiTreers! Find Shared DNA Haplogroups In WikiTree’s Limbs

Oh those busy little WikiTreers!

They have found a way to use the information input by WikiTreer Volunteers, WikiTreers, to show a listing of others on WikiTree, who have done YDNA and/or mtDNA testing and their shared Haplogroups. Here is the G2G (WikiTree Genealogist to Genealogist Forum) Post from Peter Roberts about it.

This is no small task. considering getting volunteers to agree to and work collaborative on anything. Just Imagine trying to wrangle 348,649 people to do anything together. Now imagine getting 348,649 family historians, genealogists, genetic genealogists, history geeks, geneaDORKS (this title inspired by Thomas MacEntee), together to work on something so useful! It happens everyday on WikiTree.

So what does this new little tweak to the big ole shared tree mean to me?


I’ll tell ya. I followed the link to the Y-DNA list. When the page opened I clicked into my browsers “Find” function and searched my Dad’s, and many, many of western europes Haplogroup, R-M269 and up popped all the people on WikiTree who share that Haplogrpup with my Dad. I used my browsers find feature again and looked for my Surname – Gaulden. The list shoed my Dad and other spelling variants of Gaulden with “gaulden” as its root. I searched the other spelling variants, Gaulding, Golden, Goulding, Gauldin and others and found people on WikiTree that I didn’t know about who share my Dad’s DNA. NICE!


So I did it again on the mtDNA list, with my mtDNA Haplogroup, and found only 12 people who match my specific Haplogroup, H1b1-T16362C. Not an incredibly common Haplogroup so only 12. But, 12! once again I didn’t know anything about the majority of these haplogroup matches on WikiTree until today!

Grandma’s found some new clues to her family history/mysteries. Off I go to climb around the limbs of WikiTree to try and find some new cousins! Whee Doggie!

7 thoughts on “Oh Those Busy Little WikiTreers! Find Shared DNA Haplogroups In WikiTree’s Limbs”

    1. Why yes Maggie you are a fellow GeneaDork. Recognizing this is your first step in recovery. 🙂

    1. Hey Mary!

      Who did you test with? If FTDNA we should pop-up as a match in our mtMatches list. Are you on Mitosearch? If you look to the right side of my WikiTree profile, you can see my mitosearch ID. https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Gaulden-7

      Hope we do and that you are the key to knocking down my Maternal brickwall – eternal optimist!


      1. Mary Sanford Drexler

        Yes FTDNA My tree is on Geni.
        Here is a maternal side summary

        Kathryn Sophia (Sherda)Sanford (1917-1996) born in Illinois, USA my mother
        Clasena (Bosch) Sherda (1880-1951) born in Michigan, USA her mother
        Hannah (Renskers) Bosch (1849-1914) born in Michigan her mother
        Wilemina (Esselinkpas) Renskers born 1919 in Winterswijk,The Netherlands her mother
        Janna Geertruid (Lammers) Esselinkpas (1782-1860) born in Winterswijk her mother
        Willemina Berendina (Wilterdink) Lammers (1758-1820) born in Winterswijk her mother
        Aaltjen (Scholten) Wilterdink (1738-1799) born in Winterswijk, her mother

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