WikiTree LiveCasts – Jayme Arrington and the Sourcerers

WikiTree LiveCasts - Jayme Arrington and the Sourcerers   On Saturday January 21st at 3:00PM EST, Please Join me (Mags) and Julie for a live chat with Jayme Arrington of the Sourcerer's Challenges, among other things. We will discuss sourcing and the sourcing challenges currently ongoing here on WikiTree. We will also be running down […]


WikiTree LiveCast

WikiTree LiveCasts - Do You Have Sourcerer Questions? On Saturday January 21st at 3:00PM EST, Please Join me (Mags) for a live chat with Jayme Arrington of the WikiTree Sourcerer's Challenges, among other things. We will discuss sourcing and the sourcing challenges currently ongoing at WikiTree. We will also be running down the Saturday Sourcing […]

WikiTree LiveCast – Integrator and 1776 Projects Co-Leader Michael Stills

Grandma's Genes You Tube Channel

Michael Stills will be our guest for this WikiTree LiveCast. He is a man of many talents and passions who works/volunteers to make WikiTree the great Genealogy site/program that it is. He is a co-leader of the Integrators and the 1776 projects and he is also very active in his local Genealogy Societies. Tune in […]


WikiTree LiveCast – Chat with Aleš Trtnik, Data Base Errors Project

Grandma's Genes You Tube Channel

Aleš leads the WikiTree Database Errors Project, so you can guess we will be talking about all the mistakes we can correct. From misspelled place names to two first names and on to where we can take WikiTree with the information this project is churning out. Plus, we will get to know Aleš above and […]


Mags at Roots Tech 2017

Salt Palace Convention Center 90 South West Temple, Salt Lake City

Mags will be at Roots Tech 2017!

WikiTree LiveCast – DNA Project – Kitty Smith and Peter Roberts

Grandma's Genes You Tube Channel

LIVE From RootsTech 2017! chat with Kitty Copper Smith and Peter Roberts about the DNA project. Where it is and where it is going. Old features new features and the features on their wishlist's. Join us!


LiveCasts – WikiTree Leader Robin Lee and the Arborists Project

Grandma's Genes You Tube Channel

Chat with WikiTree Leader Robin Lee about all things global family tree pruning and health. What do all these Aborists do? Are the good puzzle solvers? Find out everything you ever wanted to know. Join us and ask Robin some questions of your own in our chat.

WIkiTree LiveCast – The Connectors Project with Abby Glann

Grandma's Genes You Tube Channel

March 4th, 2017 - 3:00 PM EST: WATCH LIVE - Chat with Leader Wrangler Abby Glann, Connectors Project. How do you connect to the world global family tree? Chat with Abby, leader of the WikiTree Connectors Project and she can give you some ideas on how you can find out!


“Breakfast with Public Historians, Building a History Business”, Panel Discussion, University of Ottawa

University of Ottawa Ottawa, ON, Canada

Mags will join a Panel Discussion, "Breakfast with Public Historians, Building a History Business", focusing on marketing and branding consultancy. Applications of History Outside of the University Setting. This is a private event for a University of Ottawa, 3rd year class, studying “public history,” applications of history outside of the university setting. The students will […]
