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WikiTree LiveCast – The Canadian Projects

Grandma's Genes You Tube Channel

On Saturday July 1st at 3:00PM EDT Bonne Fête du Canada!  How many Canadian Projects does WikiTree have on the go? How many Mounties does it take to carry the Gray Cup? Who won the Gray Cup this year? So many questions, eh? Join Mags and Emma and others as they celebrate Canada Day and all things Canadian on […]

“Breakfast with Public Historians, Building a History Business”, Panel Discussion, University of Ottawa

University of Ottawa Ottawa

Mags will join a Panel Discussion, "Breakfast with Public Historians, Building a History Business", focusing on marketing and branding consultancy. Applications of History Outside of the University Setting. This is a private event for a University of Ottawa, 3rd year class, studying “public history,” applications of history outside of the university setting. The students will […]

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