WikiTree Source-A-Thon Hangouts

September 30 – October 2 — the start of Family History Month — is WikiTree’s second annual “Source-a-Thon“.

72 hours of sourcing fun and mayhem!

This three-day event is for a good cause (sourced genealogy!) and there will be over $5,700 in door prizes donated from around the genealogy community. It will be lots of fun.

If you hear me snoring i am sleeping!

Join Mags, Eowyn and Julie EVERY THREE hours starting at Midnight on the 30th, for live updates on how the source-A-Thon is giong, which team is in the lead, who is the frontrunner and best of all…

How many profile are being sourced on the only Global Family Tree that thrives on collaboration an accuracy! WikiTree, run by 456,000 (yes nearly half a million) volunteers. 

Check here for the schedule of Hangouts – but every three hours on the hour should be pretty easy to figure out.